About the company

The contemporary dance company “Compagnie Peter Agardi” was created in the fall of 2013.
Since the beginning the young choreographer devised a way of working in which dancers, music and aesthetics are an inseparable and indispensable whole. His aim is to present dance as something not so elitist.
The idea is to facilitate the viewer, any viewer, with the pleasure of Dance, identifying himself with the dancers, and understanding the sensations artists are experiencing on the stage.
For Agardi, there is no need to complicate the meaning of Dance.
When something is well done and sincere, it affects the audience, stimulating and thus achieving a greater connection with art. Because Agardi believes that the entertainment of the audience is as important as the artistic expression of the choreographer.
His aim is to find the delicate balance between these two.
During his career, Peter Agardi has developed a very singular style, a choreographic language that can be described as organic, sensual and animal.
It is an apprenticeship in itself, a challenge for professional dancers, a process of mastering an entirely different universe of vocabulary and energy, becoming aware of one´s capacities, with the benefit of both classical and contemporary dance technique.
“An intelligent corporal strategy with quality and purpose”.